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HTML Lang Attribut Check

SEOptimers kontrol identificerer tilstedeværelsen af Lang-attributten i din sides HTML. Det anbefales stærkt at have denne attribut for at forhindre sprogforvirring eller misfortolkning af browsere eller søgemaskiner.


Hvad det er

The lang attribute is used to describe the intended language of the current page to user's browsers and Search Engines. Search Engines may use the lang attribute to return language specific search results to a searcher, and in the browser, lang attribute can signal the need to switch to a different language if it is different to the user's own preferred language.

Sådan løser du det

We recommend adding the lang attribute to the HTML tag of every page to avoid any chance of misinterpretation of language. This may need to be manually added to the site's HTML code, or may be controlled by your CMS.